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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Decades of innovative ideas (Part II)

The previous post (Part I), I began by mentioning a bit about some themes that emerged in the late 90's associated with languages programming, and declarative languages or oriented models.

The idea of these articles was to begin a chronological way, but
best style of George Lucas (Starwar) starts to tell the story
from "Almost Final" to make the movie then count the
beginning of the story.

The pressure on me "self" imposed at the time of the first post made me this was so.

But just as in the previous post, I return to compel to "post" something, which rebuilds a "disruption" in chronological order from them.

Years prior to World War II 

In the history of mankind, wars have always brought progress technology, in the case of the First and Second World War brought great advances in engineering, which were focused on the manufacturing (industrial revolutions).

Mainly, so before the second world war, the process industrialized manufacturing was not entirely automated.

It was very strange that there was a factory specialized machinery and highly productive.

The few existing machines did not perform complex tasks and were very simple construction (union of blocks). Therefore their maintenance and repair was easy to implement.

Machines were generating more output than is actually needed for the time, so at that time was thought that this type of machinery produced more costs than benefits. It was one of the reasons why not spread quickly and had his potential is not exploited.

One of the things that happened was that whether they were beginning to fail, was not of high priority repairs and maintenance generally applied to it was reactive or repair what is not there called Preventive and Predictive maintenance.

Years after the War 

After the post-war, came an explosion in demand consumers, which caused it to start implementing technology meet the needs of consumers.

With increasing demand, many factories were "business" or the need to begin to automate them.

Factories began to build machines that automate the process construction.

Over the years these machines have become more complex, and the same time, improved production times exponentially.

At such times, the goal was to improve factory processes to reduce the time, looking as far as possible (with the existing technology) to automate as many activities belonging to the preparation.

However over time companies found it was not enough improve the production chain, as there were failures in much of the process chain.

The failures were associated with continual breakage of machinery, which caused major losses of downtime time.

Since that time, companies realized they had to work to prevent such breaches to the effect that the times of
downtime as short as possible.

From that moment he began to apply what is known today as "preventive maintenance".

Incredibly, as they began to solve the problems associated to preventive maintenance, they began to realize that was not enough.

What began to be implemented to mitigate these problems was a style of "control system" very rudimentary.

Something came into this season, however did not generate any excitement in her time.
The birth of computers.

After "The Wars" (Post War and Space Race Cold) 

In the seventies, advances in technology and research generated great changes and revolutions.

Thanks to these advances, there began to improve greatly the mechanization and automation.
In parallel began to increase enormously the needs of consumers.

One of the factors that are thought as a key factor is the fact that Humanity began to have dependence on the machines was no longer humanly possible to compete against them and without them was no longer possible

Everything that happened in previous decades began to increase. They become more complex machines, perform more tasks and works much so that they never stop working.

This produces a vicious spiral which occurs requires further quantity of products in ever decreasing time.

However, the factories began to fail in meeting needs of its customers.
By producing more, was leaving out things like the quality, safety, and environmental protection.

In the same way that increased demand, companies grew even more, and began to grow geographically.
Started to settle in geographically distant from their origin, with the aim of meeting needs of new customers.

From that moment he began what is known of "Globalization".

Thus, globalization began to generate new problems.
It was managed and controlled a single factory, dozens were managed of them in remote locations.

Not only competing regionally, is beginning to compete international, with all the problems this entails (Language, regulations, different "standards" and "Customs").

Throughout history, facing each problem identified, the technical solutions were found through trial and error.

To remove the fact of "Lucky", began to use methods science and research to arrive at mitigating events before they occur.

These advances have made the manufacturing processes have been high levels of maturity, making the manufacturing process change forever.

Continue ....

Is not this whole story sounds similar to the industrialization about what is happening in the software industry in the recent decades?

Translated from:

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